IBioIC can support your transition into industrial biotechnology by helping you to understand the benefits and opportunities, overcome any barriers and make sure you’re in touch with the right people to guide you through the technology and its consequent translation and implementation in your business.
Technical Expertise and Advice
Industrial biotechnology is a complex multi-disciplinary sector where no individual organisation has the expertise or capacity to develop and commercialise a bioprocess alone. Through IBioIC’s Technical Network, we connect our members with specialist individuals whose expertise covers the vast space of industrial biotechnology. Our network includes industrial biotechnology expertise from a range of industries from food and pharma to materials. The Technical Network is an exclusive service open only to IBioIC members.
Bioprocessing Scale-Up Centres
IBioIC’s bioprocessing scale-up centres offer a comprehensive approach to support your innovation journey.
Members can gain access to our expertise and technical support to help progress the development of projects from basic research to scaleup. In addition, we can help identify collaborators and support the bid writing process for external funding to realise your scale up ambitions.
Welcome to our labs
Funding opportunities from IBioIC
Growth is a priority for many of our member organisations and, at IBioIC, we understand that securing funding and investment to accelerate and de-risk your innovation and scale-up activities is high on your agenda.
Take advantage of our funding opportunities to progress your R&D activities, use our ever-expanding network to find collaborators for consortia building, and make use of the IBioIC team to help you build your business case. Get in touch with us today to find out how membership of IBioIC can help you access funding support.
IBioIC Open Funding Calls
In order to support the application reviewing process, we have a panel of expert reviewers who assess and score the technical or commercial merits of each application. We are currently looking to expand our pool of reviewers. If you are interested, please complete the Technical and Commercial Reviewer Form and we will be in touch.
Case Studies
From Scotland's IB conference - to project outcomes - to student experiences, find out all about the work of IBioIC, its members and academic partners, and take a look at our case studies demonstrating examples of work in practice across all our services.
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Growing the Bioeconomy: the Bioeconomy Cluster Builder
The Bioeconomy Cluster Builder is a joint enterprise between IBioIC,and Innovate UK KTN to introduce biotechnology solutions to new markets that will in turn grow the bioeconomy in Scotland. The key promise of the bio-based economy is that we can grow our raw materials for everyday products.
The Bioeconomy Cluster Builder project has been designed to help companies outside of the current bioeconomy community to understand and engage with biotechnology applications and things like bio-based products that as a whole will improve your sustainability credentials whilst also increasing efficiency and improved product performance.
The Scottish Bioresource Mapping Tool
The Scottish Bioresource Mapping Tool is a pioneering approach to developing value chains in the bio- and circular economies. The Tool maps raw material and bioresource arisings across Scotland down to the local authority level, which allows us to provide companies, investors, and stakeholders uniquely detailed insights and visuals related to the >27 million tonnes of bioresources arising in Scotland every year.
The Bioresource Mapping Tool is the result of analysis undertaken in preparation of the Biorefining Potential for Scotland Report by Zero Waste Scotland; it compiles and models data from four key material groupings:
• Waste streams (municipal solid wastes, commercial and industrial wastes)
• Food & drink production by-products
• Agricultural residues
• Waste waters and sludges
In addition, modelling allows for understanding not only of material arisings, but bioresource arisings for resources critical to biorefining, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, metals, etc.
Enquires related to streams not contained the above are also welcomed, as additional datasets and bioresources will be integrated into the Tool in the future.
Enquires should be made via email at info@ibioic.com in the first instance, and should specify the requestor’s name, organisation, email address, and a brief description (<100 words) detailing the nature of the enquiry.
The IBioIC team will follow up, provide consult, and ensure that information requests are handled in a timely manner.
Data sources:
[a] Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA)
[b] Zero Waste Scotland Whisky, Beer & Fish Sector Study, 5th Quarter Blood Report, other misc. reports
[c] Scottish Government Agricultural Census, Scotland’s Rural College consultants
[d] Scottish Water
Biotech Innovators Accelerator Programme
Biotech Innovators is an exciting new accelerator programme from IBioIC designed to support early-stage biotechnology companies.
All early-stage companies face substantial challenges but the complex, research and capital intensive challenges encountered by biotechnology based operations are both distinctive and significant. Each step on the journey, from initial research funding and scaling-up processes through to engaging the right personnel and securing regulatory approval, presents potential barriers to innovators in the bioeconomy.
IBioIC's Biotech Innovators accelerator programme recognises these hurdles and takes advantage of the Centre's unique position as a networking and support organisation specialising in this space. This exciting new offering will guide and assist a cohort of companies through a series of themed expert led events and activities - an opportunity to receive guidance on best practice, direct innovation support and peer to peer learning.