IBioIC - About Us Top
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About the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre


IBioIC was established in 2014 to fulfil the aims of the National Plan for Industrial Biotechnology to grow the industrial biotechnology sector in Scotland to over £900 million in turnover, with over 200 companies operating in the sector by 2025.


Biotechnology uses plant-based and waste resources to produce or process materials, chemicals and energy, offering green and sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels in everything from energy, to medicines and food packaging. 

IBioIC is a networking and support organisation that connects industry, academia and government to bring biotechnology processes and products to the global market. We do this by offering scale-up facilities, talent development, funding provision, and promotion of Scotland’s unique assets.


IBioIC Governing Board

Knowledge Exchange & Innovation Advisory Board

Skills Advisory Board

 Meet the Team


Industry Members 


IBioIC has over 300 member organisations, working across Scotland, the rest of the UK and Europe to find innovative solutions to modern problems.

Our industry members range from medical biotechnology companies working on protein production through to those developing green solutions in biomanufacturing, that utilise agriculture, marine and forestry derived feedstocks in sustainable manufacturing processes.


View the A - M list of IBioIC Members


View the N - Z list of IBioIC Members

Academic Partners 


IBioIC works in partnership with a number of higher education and research institutes across Scotland with core competencies in biotechnology processes.

These institutions are instrumental in contributing to the successful development of the IBioIC. If you are looking to collaborate and work with one of our academic partners, we can facilitate the introductions and make sure you are connected to the right people at the right higher education institute.


Meet our Academic Partners

 What is in an Innovation Centre?


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When it comes to innovation, coming up with the core idea is one thing – implementing it can be quite another. Often, it demands industry know-how, specialist research and new skillsets, not forgetting additional sources of funding. As an Innovation Centre, this is where we can help you.  

IBioIC has an extensive network that spans industry, academia and government. We can:

  • connect you to the companies that are already breaking new ground in your industry

  • link you in with the leading academics doing specialist research in your field

  • work with other public sector and third sector organisations who might be able to help you

  • both provide and advise on routes to funding your innovative ideas

  • upskill the next generation through our bespoke skills and training programmes

 What is Industrial Biotechnology?


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Biotechnology uses plant-based and waste resources to produce or process materials, chemicals and energy.

It offers green and sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels – and this can be everything from energy, to medicines and food packaging. Biotechnology holds one of the keys in unlocking the change we need to move from an economy largely reliant on fossil fuels, towards the Net-Zero targets set for 2045 in Scotland, and for the 2050 targets set at the UK level.


Net Zero



Industrial Biotechnology is a carbon capturing technology​.

Scotland needs a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic that secures vital local supply chains from innovation through to manufacturing. ​We know that carbon is our critical manufacturing feedstock. Industrial Biotechnology and renewable energy will allow Scotland to kick-start the just transition to manufacture everything it needs without relying on fossil-based carbon. Industrial biotechnology can crucially help industry with the challenges of dealing with the problem of embedded carbon.


Industrial Biotechnology Products


The Net Zero Accelerator

This ambitious project looks to harness the power of biology to deliver ‘greener’ manufacturing processes and climate friendly products. It builds on Scotland’s unique suite assets around engineered biology, ‘omics technology, bioprocessing and scale up expertise and data science. It will fast-track the growth of a vibrant cluster of innovative businesses in Scotland’s Central Belt, creating new skilled jobs and substantial economic growth for the UK.


The Net Zero Accelerator


Read our Net Zero case studies