Approaches to IP Audit for Early Stage Biotech Companies
1:00 pm13:00

Approaches to IP Audit for Early Stage Biotech Companies

Science-based start-ups and spinouts are often aware that intellectual property (IP) is critical to the success of their business. However, founders have several competing demands and are seldom experts in the world of IP. This collaboration between Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC), Potter Clarkson and Highlands and Islands Enterprise is dedicated to helping you begin your IP journey.

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Mission Innovation: Integrated Biorefineries programme
12:00 pm12:00

Mission Innovation: Integrated Biorefineries programme

Mission Innovation is a growing global initiative comprising of 23 countries and the European Commission (on behalf of the European Union) to reinvigorate and accelerate global clean energy innovation, achieve performance breakthroughs and cost reductions, and provide widely affordable and reliable clean energy solutions.

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