1:00 pm13:00


The Charles Tennant Memorial Lecture 2019 - Adapt, Survive and Thrive... how biotech companies can learn from nature, Dr Ian Fotheringham, Ingenza Ltd

Adapt, Survive and Thrive... how biotech companies can learn from nature, Dr Ian Fotheringham, Ingenza Ltd

About the speaker
Ian Fotheringham received a PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Glasgow, UK, in 1986. He then joined the NutraSweet division of Monsanto in Chicago, USA, before developing large scale bioprocesses with NSC Technologies and Great Lakes Fine Chemicals. In 2003 he co-founded Ingenza, a leading Industrial Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology company, with an extensive and unique range of proprietary enabling technologies in microbial strain and cell line improvement, fermentation and bioprocess development.

For centuries Industrial Biotechnology has been used to employ micro-organisms to manufacture products such as fermented foods and drinks. With the increased ability to systematically engineer the genetics and biochemistry of biological systems, particularly microbes, we have the potential to meet a vast range of growing human needs, from competitive, sustainable manufacturing to combating anti-microbial resistance and helping to meet future food and energy requirements.
The seminar will describe Ingenza’s harmonising of chemo-enzymatic chemical synthesis and scalable biomanufacturing with biotechnology tools that aim to address blood coagulation disorders, antimicrobial peptide discovery and novel medical devices and diagnostics.

Attendance to this event is free of charge, however places are limited. Please register today at www.soci.org/events.

Book today! Free registration
E: conferences@soci.org T: +44 (0)20 7598 1561 www.soci.org/events


The Charles Tennant Memorial Lectures 2019 will take place in the Level 1 auditorium in the Technology and Innovation Centre immediately following the IBioIC 2019 Annual Conference closing plenary. IBioIC19 delegates are welcome to register for this additional lecture.

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12:30 pm12:30


IBioIC is hosting a breakfast meeting to progress value chain development in the field of wood biorefining as part of the IBioIC19 Fringe.

IBioIC is organising an informal networking breakfast meeting with Annual Conference delegates interested in Scottish wood biorefining to progress efforts in value chain development in this field.

The meeting will take place in one of the meeting rooms adjacent to the main conference exhibition area at the Technology and Innovation Centre between 9:30 and 10:30 on the 30th January 2019. If you are interested in participating please contact: Johan Belfrage: johan.belfrage@ibioic.com.

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to 31 Jan


IBioIC is hosting an Investor event to give companies the opportunity to meet with a range of local and international Investors.

Investing in Biotech is part of a series of events running alongside the IBioIC 2019 Annual Conference

The Investor event will offer companies attending the conference the opportunity to book meetings with a range of local and international investors in the Bioeconomy over both days of the conference. 

The event will take place in one of the meeting rooms adjacent to the main conference exhibition area and delegates will be able to arrange meetings via the conference partnering system.

To book a meeting with an investor, delegates need to be registered to attend IBioIC19. Conference delegates will be advised when the partnering system is launched in mid-January and will be able to arrange meetings on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Investors

Thomas Grotkjaer, Novo Holdings

Novo Holdings (NH) is a Danish private limited liability company wholly owned by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. NH is the holding company of the Novo Group and manages the Foundation’s investment assets. In addition to being the major shareholder in the Novo Group companies (Novo Nordisk, Novozymes, NN IT), NH invests the wealth of the Foundation in two key categories: 1. Life Science Investments, including industrial biotechnology (all stages of development); and 2. Financial Investments.

Sarah Hardy, Archangels

Archangels is a prominent business angel syndicate which has been at the forefront of early stage investing in Scotland for more than a quarter of a century. It looks to invest in companies with high growth potential in the technology and life science sectors.
Our investee companies:

  • Must have high growth and international sales potential;

  • Should have defensible technology, with clear intellectual property

  • Must be based in Scotland; and

  • Should be in a sector that qualifies under the Enterprise Investment Scheme.

Poonam Malik, Investing Women

Investing Women Angels are Scotland’s only female angel investment group. The majority of our investments have been in BioTech and tech based companies but we are always willing to look wider for opportunities. We tend to invest seed capital in early stage ventures. We don’t exclusively invest in female led businesses but if you have at least one female founder in a senior decision making role, that will make an investment more appealing to us.

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9:30 am09:30


We invite you to join this student-led Symposium which will focus on the role industrial biotechnology plays in today's society.


9.30 – 10.00  Registration and tea/coffee
10:00–10:30  Ice-breaker
10:30-11:00  Introduction (Rachel Clark & Ian Archer)

11:00–12:00  Session 1: Plastics (Chair: Martina Daute)
11:00-11:15  Update on the Plastic Biodegradability Report
11:15-11:30  Joanna Sadler - Plastics as a substrate for the circular bioeconomy: past, present and future
11:30–12:00  Discussion Panel – Answer to the Plastic Problem

12:00-13:00  Lunch (Poster viewing)

13:00–14:30  Session 2: What Can IB Contribute to… (Thematic Groups) (Chair: Scarlet Ferrinho)
10 min poster presentation and 5 min discussion on each topic:
- Food security and waste
- Healthcare
- Essential resources from sustainable sources
- Impact of textile industry
- Protecting Our Oceans

14:30 – 14:50  Tea/coffee break

14:50 – 15:00 National Skills Landscape – Ronnie Palin, Skills Development Scotland

15:00 – 17:00  Session 3: Public Engagement (Chair: Alison Hughes)
15:00-15:30  Brian Eggo - Glasgow Skeptics
15:30 – 16:00  Kenneth MacDonald - BBC Scotland
16:00-17:00  Inspire and Challenge, Susan Meikleham, Glasgow Science Centre
17:00 – 18:00  Drinks Reception (optional)

Thank you to Ronnie Palin, Skills Development Scotland for sponsoring our event

The Good, The Bad and The Biotech: IBioIC Annual Symposium 2019 will take place on 29th Januray 2019 at the Insight Institute, Collins Building, 16 Richmond St., Glasgow, G1 1XQ

Related download
About Our Speakers.docx

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to 22 Jan


This is the second 2-day workshop organised by the Formulation Forum after the highly successful inaugural event in January 2018.

This is the second 2-day workshop organised by the Formulation Forum after the highly successful inaugural event in January 2018. Disruptive innovations can bring rewards to early uptakers and penalties to slow uptakers. But what is a disruptive technology and how do you spot the new disruptive technologies from the distractions of novelties and niches? How to extrapolate what is happening in other fields of science and technology into your field and ultimately formulation? What opportunities will AI in formulation optimisation and design bring for faster development of formulated products through prediction? Join us in January to be part of the thought-provoking event and discussions.

This event is looking to bring together all the elements of formulating for the future into one forum, to learn and discuss how formulations and formulating will be adapted and improved in the advent of new disruptive ideas, techniques and technologies. This event will also provide an unparalleled opportunity to meet, build partnerships and network with others working in the field of formulating with disruptive technologies. There will be opportunities to openly raise, identify and discuss the opportunities and challenges in the field and propose paths to realise and address them.

Formulation Forum events are equally open to major companies, SME’s, academics and students from all areas, including scientists, engineers, patent attorneys, marketing experts and business managers with an interest in formulation innovation and science. For students and academics this is a unique opportunity to learn about some of the fascinating opportunities arising in formulation

SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.

Monday 21 January 2019

10.00  Registration and refreshments
10.45  Welcome from the SCI Formulation Forum - Disruptive Technologies
Dr Malcolm Faers, SCI Formulation Forum Chairman
10.55  Transforming formulation into a disruptive platform technology
Ian Shott, Arcinova

Session 1 - Modelling, AI and data processing in formulation

11.40  Modelling complex fluids for industrial applications
Dr Massimo Noro, UK Research & Innovation, Science and Technology Facilities Council
12.05  Making high performance computing essential to the formulation industry
Dr Breanndán Ó Conchúir, IBM
12.30  Lost in Formulation Space? Using the HLD system to aid predictive design in cosmetics
Dr Jonathon Booth, Croda

12.55  Lunch, posters and exhibition
14.10  SCI Formulation Forum innovation in formulation and formulation science award
Flash presentations from the short-listed nominees

Session 2 - Processing technology and hardware

14.40  Novel manufacturing techniques for formulation
Prof Harris Makatsoris, Cranfield University
15.05  Development of 3D printing and automation methods for the biofabrication of artificial tissues
Dr Sam Olof, OxSyBio
15.30  Refreshment break, posters and exhibition
16.00  Upscaling membrane emulsification techniques to industrially meaningful production quantities
Dr Marijana Dragosavac, Loughborough University
16.25  Panel Discussion - how do we overcome the barriers for new processing technologies?
17.10  Networking and refreshments
19.00 Conference dinner and Formulation Award presentation

Tuesday 22 January 2019

09.00  Welcome

Session 3 - Industrial examples of disruptive innovation

09.10  Oil dispersion formulation design - leveraging science for innovative solutions
Dr Malcolm Faers, Bayer
09.35  Towards robotic agriculture
Prof Simon Blackmore, Harper Adams University

Session 4 - Personalised Delivery in Formulation

10.00  Direct tissue engineering approaches for regenerative biology and medicine
Prof Suwan N. Jayasinghe, Bioengineering, BioPhysics Group Department of Mechanical Engineering University College
10.25  Refreshment break, poster and exhibition
10.55  Microneedles: Formulation and device challenges
Dr Faz Chowdhury, Nemaura Pharma Limited
11.20  Formulating for 3D printing personalised medicine
Dr Laura Ruiz Cantu, Nottingham University
11.45  Panel Discussion - how do we spot the new disruptive innovations?
12.30  Lunch, posters and exhibition
13.45  Initiatives from the SCI Formulation Forum
Various speakers from SCI Formulation Forum
14.00  CPI Update

Session 5 - Opportunities for disruptive science

14.05  Microfluidic approaches for accelerated stability studies of formulations under external fields
Prof João T. Cabral, Imperial College London

14.30  Discovery and application of unusual bacterial proteins for stabilising interfaces and surfaces
Prof Cait Macphee, University of Edinburgh
14.55  Controlling droplets in slippery situations
Dr Gary Wells, Northumbria University
15.20  Ionic liquids in formulations
Dr Malgorzata Swadzba-Kwasny, Queen’s University Belfast
15.45  Poster prizes and closing remarks
16.00  End of conference

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2:00 pm14:00


The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the UK’s National Measurement Institute providing the underpinning measurement capability for UK prosperity and quality of life. This session will introduce NPL to delegates, provide detail around their services and the opportunities for the IB sector, and highlight details of new funding competitions.

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the UK’s National Measurement Institute providing the underpinning measurement capability for UK prosperity and quality of life. Through its strategic partnership with the University of Strathclyde, NPL has a regional presence in Scotland. In this session on Measurement for Industrial Biotechnology, NPL speakers will introduce IBioIC members and conference delegates to the UK’s National Measurement Institute, its services and opportunities for the Sector.

This 1 ½ hour event will demonstrate the impact of measurement through research case studies, training provision and access to experts in measurement standards. The event will focus on needs in the industrial biotechnology sector with regards to measurement standards and promote understanding of measurement capability provided by NPL and its application in industrial biotechnology (such as synthetic biology, biometrology and medicines manufacture).
Details of the latest Analysis for Innovators competition and future funding call will also be promoted. Delegates will also have the opportunity to discuss their measurement challenges and find out about training initiatives such as the PostGraduate Institute (PGI) for Measurement Science. Of particular interest to Industry members and academics working in the field.

There is a free event but you do need to register here to book your place.

This event will take place at the Technology & Innovation Centre, Level 3, Room 2 from 14.00 - 15.30

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